Title: Emenaha, U. (2023). Deconstructing Social Constructs: Exploring Teachers’ Positionality When Teaching Race and Human Diversity in the Science Classroom in the Journal of Multicultural Affairs.
Title: Emenaha, U. & Hernandez, J (2022) History and the science mystery: Using Scientific Evidence to Solve Mysteries in the Teaching Science journal.
Title: Emenaha, U. (2022). “Reimagining a Culture of Equality (R.A.C.E.) lesson: Discussing race in the science classroom:, published in The American Biology Teacher journal. l.
Title: Emenaha, U. (2020). “Using pop culture to teach genetics: Teaching patterns of inheritance using students’ favorite celebrity couples” in the The Science Teacher journal.
Title: Emenaha, U. & Perry, A. A. (2019).” Lights, camera, and a call to action: Women in media help promote science identity in female students” published in the Journal of Virginia Science Education.
Title: Emenaha, U. (2019). “Learning to argue like a scientist when discussing social issues” published in, The Science Teacher Bulletin, journal.
Title: Emenaha, U. (2018). “The science of fake news: Use of socio-scientific issues in the modern science classroom” published in The Statellite journal.
Title: Emenaha, U. & Siddeeque, N. (2022). “Racial passing & blurred color lines: Exploring the social construct of race”, published in P. Ballamingie & D. Szanto (Eds.), Showing Theory to Know Theory: Understanding Social Science Concepts Through Illustrative Vignettes. Theory Press.
Title: Emenaha, U. (2022). “Impact of Racial Bias in Education:, published in. Sally E. Antrobus & Lori Rodriguez (Eds.), Democratizing Racial Justice: Ethnic Studies Educators’ Academy 2022 Teaching Guide
Title: Emenaha, U. (2022). “Do science teachers unintentionally develop imposter syndrome among students?” published in the International Consortium for Research in Science and Math Education newsletter. Link
Title: Emenaha, U. (2021). “Still waiting for a cure” published in the Journal of Multicultural Affairs.
Title: Zhang, J. Wong, S., Relyea, J. E., Wui, G., & Emenaha, U. (2017). “Designing a socio-scientific issue curriculum on space exploration: Dialogic inquiry approach for English learners”, published in English in Texas journal.